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Conservation Minutes, February 14, 2012

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by Frank Schellenger, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   Frank Schellenger, Chairman
   John Kemmett, Vice Chairman  
   John Murray, Clerk
                          David Harris, Member
                           Audrey Hayward, Member
Also Present:              Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant    
                           Mary Guiney, Interim Agent   


Motion to approve minutes of January 24, 2012:  David Harris
Second:  John Murray
Vote:  5-0-0

Public Hearings

7:00 PM  Continued Request for Determination of Applicability for the creation of a small parking area, a path to the river and a canoe launch on Conservation land located at Adams Circle, Map 120, Lot 114 for Peter Veneto III, 24 Greenbrier Lane, Hanson, MA as part of an Eagle Scout Project  

Mr. Schellenger reported that the entire Commission had made a site visit on Thursday, 2/2/12, as arranged at the last meeting.  Subsequently, Ms. Guiney inspected the property and Ms. Hayward listened to the tape of the first hearing so that she could vote on the matter as per Open Meeting Law.  Mr. Schellenger asked for comments from the members.
Mr. Murray was of the opinion that the project was “way bigger” than Peter might have thought.  Mr. Murray specified that clearing a path would require a lot of cutting and the parking lot would need more solid fill than the proposed woodchips.    Because the area is listed as a priority habitat for rare species and an estimated habitat for rare wildlife, Peter would have to file an application with the Natural Heritage of Estimated Species Program (NHESP).  Additionally, he said, no one was sure where the property lines were.
Mr. Kemmett commented that the supposed protected wetlands looked like a “trash dump.”  He felt strongly that whatever Peter proposed would be a vast improvement to the site.  Ms. Hayward agreed with Mr. Murray in that the scope of the project was huge and the parking area concerned her.
Mr. Harris suggested that there are three different resource areas, all with different performance standards:  the Riverfront, a Bordering Vegetated Wetland and Bordering Land Subject to Flooding.  The By-law stipulates a 100’ buffer zone with a 50’ no touch.   He was of the opinion that if Peter were to proceed with this project, he would have to file a Notice of Intent as there is more complexity to the wetlands than previously thought.   Also, he concurred with Mr. Kemmett in that the area down there has been abused and should be taken up at an upcoming meeting.  Mr. Schellenger commented to the abutters/residents that were present that leaves and brush are to be brought to the transfer station and not discarded onto town property.  

Motion to close the hearing and issue a Positive Determination of Applicability:  David Harris
        Second:  Audrey Hayward
        Vote:  5-0-0

Mr. Harris said that he talked to Ms. Marini about fines.  She suggested that there might be something under the Board of Health By-Law.  Mr. Schellenger said that he had spoken with Steve Wry of Land Planning and got a price for a survey.  Mr. Murray suggested that the property be surveyed and an enforcement letter to follow to the residents regarding all three town-owned properties at Adams Circle.  

Motion to hire Land Planning, Inc. to survey Lot 114 at Adams Circle with the use of Conservation Funds:  John Kemmett
Second:  David Harris
Vote:  5-0-0
7:30 PM Continued Notice of Intent for a proposal to control aquatic nuisance vegetation by the Town of Halifax to treat the algae in the eastern and western basins of Monponsett Pond utilizing low-dose treatments of aluminum sulfate (alum), to preclude severe algae blooms and to lessen the likelihood of toxic algae blooms (DEP #SE175-0580)   
Ms. Joy Trahan-Liptak, an Aquatic Biologist from Lycott Environmental, Inc., the company hired by Halifax to treat the algae at Monponsett Ponds, gave a brief overview to the Commission of what had taken place thus far to allow new members background information:  In 2009, a Notice of Intent was filed jointly in Halifax and Hanson for an Aluminum Sulfate treatment in both the eastern and western basins.  This has since changed to isolate only the western basin.  Originally, the Notice of Intent was filed with the NHESP who required additional information regarding several state-listed species which in turn facilitated a review pursuant to the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA).  Since then, that application has been withdrawn and the project will be now be evaluated by NHESP as “management of State-listed Species Habitat.”  A draft Habitat Management Plan which includes plans for treatment, water quality monitoring, floc monitoring and a state-listed species monitoring plan will be submitted to NHESP for final approval and then to the Conservation Commissions for review prior to the public hearings.
Mr. Kemmett was of the opinion that we’re treating the symptom and not fixing the underlying problem which is that phosphorous is being discharged from nearby cranberry bogs.  Ms. Liptak commented that as part of the Habitat Management Plan, NHESP will request “additional information or future plans to address the reduction of watershed sources of phosphorus.”  
Mr. Harris inquired about whether the mussel beds were all over or in a centralized location in the Pond?  Ms. Brittany Laginhas, also an Aquatic Biologist for Lycott answered that the surveys that they conducted found them all around the entire pond, but more isolated in shallow areas.  Mr. Schellenger mentioned that Oldham Pond has a similar problem and they are also working with NHESP.   Ms. Liptak said that not a lot of studies of Alum treatment on shallow ponds have been done and she can’t say the mussels won’t be affected but they’re doing everything possible to prevent that.  They will monitor and evaluate the mussels while administering the Alum and if there seem to be any negative effects, they will seek an alteration.
        Mr. Schellenger asked if there were algae blooms in 2010 and 2011.  Ms. Liptak answered that the pond had experienced severe blooms of blue green algae of different organisms, some species of which release toxins that can cause illness in humans.  Ms. Hayward, a direct abutter to the Pond said that she is thankful for a possible alleviation of the algae problem using safe remediation measures.  She added that it is thick as pea soup and the wildlife gets covered in it.  

        Motion to continue to March 27, 2012 at 7 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  5-0-0

Determinations of Applicability

Determination of Applicability for a proposed gas main replacement at East Washington and Whitman Streets for Columbia Gas of Mass. Co.  -  signed


Motion to approve 2011 Annual Report:  John Kemmett
Second:  Frank Schellenger
Vote:  5-0-0

Site visit to Edgewood Bogs with Franz Ingelfinger of the Div. of Ecological Restoration
Ms. Nehiley reported that Mr. Phil Clemons had been working diligently and behind the scenes with Samantha Woods of the NSRWA and Franz Ingelfinger, a Restoration Ecologist for the Dept. of Fish and Game to consider Edgewood Bogs as a possible Priority Project in terms of re-naturalizing the hydrology of the stream.  Mr. Ingelfinger would like to set up a site walk at some point in the future.  

34 Winter Street  
Ms. Guiney reported that in response to a complaint, she and Dave Harris had made a site visit and found that nothing recent was going on.  The owner had done some landscaping and a constructed a deck outside of jurisdiction, but will be submitting a building permit next year for some other work he would like to do.  

Old Business/New Business

Articles for the warrant for Town Meeting
Mr. Schellenger reiterated that the warrant will be closed after Friday, March 2, 2012 and Articles should be put together and reviewed before then.  Ms. Nehiley had prepared an Article to
request an appropriation to replenish the Conservation Fund.  Mr. Schellenger will draft an Article for review at the next meeting to establish a Revolving Fund to recapture By-Law fees that can be used for an occasional consultant, legal fees, surveys, etc..  

Hanson-Pembroke Gateway Project – grant application to the Bay Circuit Alliance
Ms. Nehiley reported that Phil Clemons had worked on and submitted a grant application to the Bay Circuit Alliance to re-open and restore an old, partially blocked woods road located at the Edgewood Bogs property so as to become a “gateway” for the Bay Circuit Trail connecting Hanson and Pembroke.

Letter from Mr. Hussey
Ms. Nehiley reported that Mr. Hussey had sent a letter to the Commission requesting that he be allowed to maintain 160’ of roadway at 1222 Main Street to fill in the ruts.  Mr. Schellenger said to contact Mr. Hussey to schedule a site walk so that the Commission can come and see what he’s planning to do.


        Motion to adjourn at 8:30 PM:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Murray
        Vote:  5-0-0